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Memories of

Before Mac-O-Chee closes at the end of October, Piatt Castles would like to record your memories of visiting, celebrating, and working there. If you are interested in recording a short video segment talking about your memories of Mac-O-Chee, sign up using the form below or call 937-844-3902.

Anyone who comes to Mac-O-Chee to record memories at one of the times on the days listed below will receive free admission to Mac-O-Chee Castle. We will ask you to sign a release form so we can include short segments of your video on social media. Your complete recording will remain in our archive at Mac-A-Cheek Castle where so you can be part of our history.

Plan 30 minutes to sign-in and record your memories.  Appointments will be scheduled every half hour. Use the form below to sign up and indicate your preferred date and time. We will confirm your appointment by email.